Ever seen those REALLY muscly guys with biceps bigger than your head? Ever wonder how they do it? Most of them train and workout all day, eat really well and do whatever they can to get big muscles. There is another way to get that strong without working that hard (besides drugs), but you can’t control it. It’s completely random. Not just humans can have it. Animals can get it to.

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It’s called Myostatin Deficiency. Myostatin is a gene which stops your muscles from growing continuously. Some natural athletes have one of the two myostatin genes missing. But its when their kids have BOTH of the genes missing, that’s when it gets incredible.


(those are 5 pound weights, the kid is only 30 pounds)

So far, there aren’t any drugs or ways to remove your myostatin genes. Even when doctors and scientists come out with a way of removing the genes, it is probably not the best idea. There have been test for side effects, one possibility being muscular dystrophy. Muscular dystrophy is a disease where your muscles gradually degrade over time, and eventually you can’t move and most likely will die early. You don’t want that to happen just because you want to have giant muscles.

The myostatin gene is not something you want to mess with. If don’t have it, good for you, but if you do, I wouldn’t recommend doing anything about it.