Posts tagged Watches

FastNews: Corning Postpone Arrival Time For Willow Glass


Willow Glass, Corning rising star, is not coming as soon as some would hope. Corning Willow Glass is a new type of flexible glass, which will be used for making wearable technologies like Apple’s iWatch.


Corning, who previously had said Willow Glass would be out by the end of the year, have moved their deadline back. They now say Willow Glass will be available for buying around 2016, interrupting the production of iWatches and other products back 3 years. It is only a small setback, and just wait until 2016 to see Willow Glass take over the modern world.

TechSpot: Apple iWatch


Apple are working on a new smartphone, but this time in the shape of a watch.


Apple haven’t decided on a name, but they have two good options, iPhone Wrist and iWatch (I’ll be calling it iWatch). iWatch could use Corning’s Willow Glass, a type of bendable glass. Willow Glass is a new technology and will most likely be used for many things from smartphones to bringing back scrolls, only digital.


The iWatch hasn’t been fully designed yet, and could still be in concept phase. There are a few suggested designs out there, such as a clear ring around your wrist. The problem with that is that it might be too wide, and bump into the table when you are trying to write. Also, being clear, it might be hard to see colors like yellow or especially tan. Another design for the watch might solve that particular problem, but bring up some other ones.


For instance, the small screen might not bump anywhere, but might just be to small to actually serve as a “smart” watch. It would be EXTREMELY hard to type on the screen, and if you have bad eyesight, the lettering will be very hard to read.


Apple iWatch, along with Google Glasses (see my Google Glasses article) are going to start a new industry, smart clothing. Smart clothing will soon transform our world, using Willow Glass as just the start. And just like lots of other industries like smartphones and software, it will most likely be led by Google and Apple.

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